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Therapy and PTSD Treatment for First Responders because it's different.

You signed up to help, to serve, to protect. Now your badge feels like the thing weighing you down. You’re stressed all the time. You feel that work people are the only people who “get it”- but you also don’t feel that you can talk openly about what you’re feeling.


You don’t want to be judged and you’re scared that you will look weak - but you know you’re not the same as before. You might be reaching for the bottle more, avoiding family and friends or isolating yourself on your days off.


On the job, you hide what you are feeling inside. Even though you feel anxious, stressed and have a racing heart, you show up for the calls, handle the situations and do what is needed.


On your own, you experience images of things you never want to remember. You’re noticing that you avoid certain places, people, smells or calls. You feel restless and agitated and can’t shake the feeling that you need to be on “high alert” all the time. Sometimes you feel like you’re going crazy.


Maybe you’ve even tried therapy before, but it was obvious to you that the therapist didn’t understand the first responder culture, so you stopped going. 


That can end today. We understand you and can help. Our trauma therapy for first responders is meaningful, impactful and knowledgeable. 



first responder at the office


After all you do for us, you deserve the best in care.

therapy for first responders in london ontario

Therapy for First Responders Ontario

At London Trauma Therapy, we provide counseling for first responders locally, in our office in London, Ontario and virtually, using online therapy across Ontario.


Our First Responder trauma counselors have intimate knowledge and training in working with police, emergency services, fire and dispatchers. Many of our therapists have family members or spouses that also work in a first responder role, and we understand the culture well.


Our skilled, compassionate and caring team can help with issues such as:


Policing is going through some incredible challenges right now. Not only is working in law enforcement a consistently high-stress environment, there is also the real issue of public opinion and treatment of police officers. 


Many of our policing clients report not only feelings of distress, but also feelings of hopelessness, loss of pride and public rejection due to their profession.


We stand with our police services as we collectively mourn the tragic loss of life of law enforcement in Ontario this year alone.


We understand that you entered the field with a desire to help and protect. The murders of your colleagues have left you understandably shaken and impacted. You will find acceptance and respect in our offices as we help you to navigate the complex world that is policing at this time.


A man and a woman police officer in front of london police car

Trauma Therapy for Police Officers

You will be valued, heard and respected in our offices. 

first responders at work

PTSD Treatment First Responders

You have seen others go through it, you’ve heard the talk at the office, and now you’re wondering if you’ve been impacted too- we understand. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects at least 19% of the first responder population- you are not alone.


PTSD is a treatable mental health condition that can develop after a person experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. Traumatic events can be things like military combat, sexual assault, physical violence, natural disasters, or any situation where a person experiences or witnesses actual or violence, injury or death (or threats of).

Having PTSD might look like:


  1. Experiencing intrusive thoughts, nightmares or memories that make you feel like you’re “back there” again. flashbacks, nightmares, or intrusive thoughts.

  2. Avoidance of people, places or activities that remind you of the traumatic event. 

  3. Negative changes in you mood and/thoughts, like feeling detached from loved ones, hopeless, or guilty.

  4. Feeling “on guard” and hyper alert to potential danger, which leds to feelings of being on edge, irritable, or easily startled.


PTSD can truly be debilitating, but it is important that you understand this is treatable with therapy, medication when required, and support.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy that is used to treat people who have lived through traumatic events.


EMDR is based on the idea that traumatic memories are stored in the brain like shrapnel- with little bits fragmented all over the place. The goal of EMDR therapy is to help the individual reprocess these memories and also experience less reaction to triggers. The theory behind EMDR is that the dual activated stimuli (a fancy term for tapping, eye movements or listening to audio) stimulates the brain in a way that allows it to reprocess and integrate traumatic events.


The therapist will also help the individual identify and challenge negative beliefs that may have developed as a result of the trauma. For example, if the trauma was caused by a skiing accident, the individual may have developed the belief that they are always in danger when they ski, and they may avoid a pastime which they used to love. These negative beliefs can then be replaced with more empowering and positive ones. 

trauma therapy for first responders

EMDR For First Responders

Our First Responder therapists are ready to help you get back to feeling like yourself.

Our Location

Our clinic is located at 111 Waterloo Street, Suite 508 and Suite 210.

Both in person or online appointments are available depending on your preferred therapist.

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